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There She Goes

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MargoTester | 15:31 Wed 21st Jun 2023 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
A one off episode of the comedy drama first shown in 2018 with a second series in 2020. Co written by Shaun Pye and his wife Sarah Crawford and starring David Tennant and Jessica Hynes it's about raising a child with severe learning difficulties. Well worth a watch I think


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On BBC 2 tonight at 9pm.
I'm trying to recall if I watched it when it was first broadcast.
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I meant to put that Pasta, thanks:-) Both previous series are on I player apparently.
Had to watch on catchup without subtitles and couldn't hear it too well .
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Neti- we have to Forgo lots of things on
catch-up because of lack of subtitles. My OH is very deaf so subtitles are a necessity for him
Yes margo that's just how I am
absolutely brilliant series, the acting was out of this world, what the parents go through is so hard (I have a nephew with similar disabilities) well worth a watch to those who have not seen it.

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There She Goes

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