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Northern Soul...

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Lie-in King | 16:06 Sat 26th Aug 2023 | Film, Media & TV
99 Answers the Proms - I know there are a few fans of the genre here & since Lynne introduced me to it, I count myself as one, though I'm still (& guess will always be) muddling through...

Anyway, if anyone's interested, it's on this evening - BBC2, 19:45 > 21:15 & I'll be watching with interest :-)


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That’s nice, lottie. Thank you.
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Hi Lottie - you'll not get a response from the Eds over the weekend, may I suggest you try on Tuesday? I hope you're able to be comfortable, despite your health problems x

Naomi - I'm so glad you enjoyed it & if he's anything like me with dancing/coordination, my sympathies to Mr Naomi ;-) x
Hi King off lions. Thanks Another member I have been missing actually, I have been trying for a couple of weeks with no reply from the editor. So I gave up! Xx

Health is dire. Several investigations going on at the same time and a head injury mended by plastic surgeons. I think I should have a ward named after me!
Lottie, the Ed has been on holiday for a couple of weeks. Back now but maybe that’s why you haven’t had a response yet.
Thanks Naomi. My long absence has been mainly due to health and, of course, just getting fed up with certain folk, and the dire News Section with very little news in it!!
Well it’s good to see you back anyway, lottie. And by the way, that Pueris oil you recommended. I’m a fan. Thank you.
Pleased to hear that Naomi x. I've had to stear clear whilst having other investigations and Meds, but hopefully can start again when they've finished with me in two hospitals!! I did ask the plastics team for a face-lift whilst they mended me, but they just laughed!! I now have a 6 inch scar, beautifully mended across my forehead. Good job I have a fringe!!

Thanks Lik for the loan of your thread.
Hi Lottie, good to have you back.
I wondered whether you've been absent due to ill health or some other reason, and although I'm sorry to hear you are still unwell, it's good to know you are still on this planet:-)
Your name is a bit long so what do you prefer, MissT or Lottie?
It doesn't matter what it says on your Avatar as those who know you can call you whichever you prefer. x
Hi Barsel. Lottie please.
Lottie it is. x
If I ever mentioned dancing to Mr Lottie, he went missing unless it was a smoochy dance at the end of an evening,or he had overdone the beer! I loved dancing. Was a real show off because my hypermobility meant some good moves. The disco era was my favourite time. My parents were fabulou rock and rollers! To be honest I never knew what Northern soul was.
Lottie, I must admit I don't remember Northern Soul when it was at its height as I was into RnR and then Motown, but there are some NS records I quite like and some I know but didn't know they were classed as NS.
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Lottie - you're welcome to use the thread :-)

I'm sorry to see that you've had a rough time lately & you have my best wishes for a speedy & comfortable recovery x
I must admit that none of those songs or singers appealed to me yesterday. But we are all different. I went on to watch The Carpenters yesterday evening.
Thanks Lik.
I am a music purist, I always have been, and make no apology for that.

If I want to hear The Night by Frankie Valli, I want to hear the original, not a copy in the Albert Hall.

I understand I am absolutely in the minority, but that was the reason why I posed my view in advance of the programme, and having watched some of it, I have no reason to change my mind.

I play Northern Soul at my discos, and I really enjoy it, and love to see people enjoying it dancing.

I would not enjoy playing pale imitations to people in a room too crowded to move, much less dance.

But as I say, I am a purist, and there are millions of people who thoroughly enjoyed the Proms concert, and that's a great thing.

It's just not for me, I knew it wouldn't be, and it wasn't.
LIK - // " a secret society", my behind. Hardly, with queues down the street & around the block at Wigan Casino, as Lynne described it. Hmm, I wonder who I'm listening to? //

Popularity is a relative thing.

Yes the Northern Soul clubs attracted large crowds, but it was, and still is, recognised as an 'underground' phenomenon, compared with mainstream pop in the mid-seventies.
*waving excitedly to Lottie!! *
I posted the above before reading further regarding your health issues. I sincerely hope that you are on the road to better health, and it's wonderful to see you back.

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