Gladiators in The AnswerBank: Jokes
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Rondy | 11:58 Fri 17th Nov 2023 | Jokes
1 Answers

My daughter rang me last night and the conversation went like this.
Her: "You know that Gladiator movie I bought you for Christmas?"
Me: "Yeah."
Her: "Wind it forward one hour, sixteen minutes and 28 seconds."
Me: "Right, I've done that."
Her: Okay, see the gladiator at the front fighting the lion."
Me: "I can see that, yeah."
Her: Just behind him there are two gladiators having a sword fight with each other."
Me: Yeah, I see them."
Her: "Well behind them two on the left hand side of the screen, there's a woman gladiator holding a spear."
Me: Yeah, Yeah!!!...I can see her."
Her: "Well, those are the sandals I want for my birthday."

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The Christian was buried in the middle of the arena with just his head showing above the sand when the lion entered. It charged at him & on the last split second he managed to bend his head to the left & missed the jaws & the crowd roared. The lion turned & came at him again & this time he bent his head to the right & was saved, & the crowd roared again.

The third time it came he managed to bend his head forward & quickly raised again hitting the lion in the nuts,

and the crowd screamed, " Boo! - play fair! "

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