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The Chase.... They Walk Among Us .... Part N ... Today's Gem....part Deux

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ToraToraTora | 18:21 Mon 12th Feb 2024 | Film, Media & TV
59 Answers

Unusual multiple choice this one....

In Geometry, the word 'torus' refers to what shape?

A: Pyramid, B:Ring, C:Sphere

Pyramid! 🤣



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that  screw-up is more understandable than others. How about cube?

Well I don't know this answer!!

Question Author

Well in geometry a pyramid and a sphere are the actual names of geometric that leaves....?


Sharon, apart from them building rabbit-cubes called homes,

Oh to have the intellect of these two self-appointed brain-boxes , Sharon.  Count yourself lucky.  ;o)

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Naomi, you did not know that a sphere and a pyramid are geometric solids already? The mind boggles.

So a polo mint is a torus!?!?

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by jove I think she's cracked it!

all three are geometirc TTT - what's your point?

Maybe they thought Torus/Horus/ Egyptian/Pyramid?

Yes, TTT, I did, but I did geometry at school and enjoyed it.  Others may not have had a similar experience. This is a really poor example of 'them' walking among us.

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davebro: "all three are geometirc TTT - what's your point?" - in the question only 2 of them are the actual names of geometric solids thus the the answer is really given in the question as usual with these.

Maybe the contestant is an AB member and immediately thought torus torus torus and came up with the answer of something with a pointy head.

barrel scraping to a T (TT) 

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If the possible answers where

Toblerone, polo mint, Malteser

that's a more difficult question and thus would not be featuring on TWAU.




douglas spot on - and one of those rings one sits on when suffering from piles or whatever down there....


//only 2 of them are the actual names of geometric solids //

the question you posed doesn't mention "solids" and a torus is a solid anyway so I still don't get your point.

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well the question said shape, I said solid but it makes no difference, the answer is given in the question.

The answer is most DEFINITELY NOT given in the question (unless of course you know it).

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The Chase.... They Walk Among Us .... Part N ... Today's Gem....part Deux

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