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T W A U ... Another Gem.....

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ToraToraTora | 21:47 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers

Q: Where is Leeds castle?

A: Leeds! 🤣🤣



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Well, I know it's not in Leeds - but I'd be hard-pressed to say exactly where it is off-hand.  Somewhere on the south coast. A perfectly reasonable answer to say 'Leeds', when you think about it.

Question Author

come on! reel em in!

I would have said Leeds too.

Question Author

Of course you would!

I've checked it up and it's somewhere near Maidstone in Kent.  So I was right, somewhere  'down south near the coast'. What more do you want or expect from people who don't live down there?

There have been questions tonight about which railway stations in London serve which regions.... unless you live in London or the region mentioned how are you supposed to know? Knowledge of London is negligible in importance t.b.h..

Are you saying they shouldn't have said anything?

Question Author

think it through ladies!

We all have different areas of knowledge. English geography is not one of mine. 

I'm sure there would be questions I could answer and you couldn't TTT. 


It is you who needs to think it through, ToraToraTora .

Question Author

perlease can you not see what i am doing here? seriously?

I wonder if TTT knew where it is.

Question Author

You are so determined to pretend to be thick you miss the point. Gawd I'm having fun tonight

You are easily amused then.

Would Rhyl have been a better answer?

You may be having fun, but you are making yourself look silly.

Question Author

I have many wait for tomorrow!

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T W A U ... Another Gem.....

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