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The Chase.... They Walk Among Us ... Today's Gem....

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ToraToraTora | 19:25 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
23 Answers

Q: When magnesium burns it reacts with what gas to form magnesium oxide?

A: Carbon Dioxide!




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It isn't necessarily wrong

  2 Mg + CO2 -> 2 MgO + C

Question Author

The answer is in the question, derrrr!

So put burning magnesium in carbon dioxide, the magnesium nicks the oxygen from the carbon dioxide and then forms magnesium oxide (leaving carbon residue) 

See my answer, derrr!

Question Author

so what gas is it reacting to? See the question, derr

Question Author

It's forming an OXIDE whatever else is going on an OXIDE needs......errr...Oxygen! derr!

Carbon dioxide.

It's a reaction. A displacement reaction.

The final product is magnesium oxide (+ carbon).

I know oxygen was the expected answer but is an answer of CO2 actually as laughable as you think


They walk among us, indeed.

Question Author

"I know oxygen was the expected answer but is an answer of CO2 actually as laughable as you think" - yes hilarious as the answer is in the question an "oxide" literally means aquiring an oxigen atom! PMSL! keep digging love!

It's my superpower 

I liked the "school teacher" who hardly knew anything, and the Billy No Mates answer.  

So when magnesium burns in carbon dioxide,  and reacts with it ( which the video shows it does), what does it form?

Question Author

what is an oxide? take your time.

Question Author

my superpower is winning again!

Question Author

it could be many things but I'mj referring to thw question that is actually asked, you know like in a quiz show.

TTT just give it a rest now .... please.


We are both right and you know it. The answer was not wrong scientifically. You didn't think it through fully.

Question Author

nope you are just looking for something other than the obvious.

Nope. You messed up. No superpower. You're only human after all

All this time being taken to consider whether the contestant was right or wrong.

The contestant was given 5 seconds!

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