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U Channel

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FoxLee2 | 10:35 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
20 Answers

Has anyone managed to watch anything on this newly named channel?  It appears to be just as rubbish as when it was UKTV Play.  You click on a programme, get some ads, the screen goes black and then a message'something has gone wrong' and click on button below.  More ads and nothing happens.



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early days?

I had thought it was just another rebranding.

Apart from the name change, nothing's different.  The channels work fine, exactly as they always have.  I've never seen the message described in the OP.

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It was just a name change amid much advertising fanfare but is still inaccessible to watch. If you email them, you get no reply.

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It lets me know that I'm signed in so i don't know why i can't access the programmes.  A long time ago I watched Just Good Friends.  It was still good years later but they cut the programme off during the credits when there was always a great punchline at the end of the credits.

How are you watching? The channels work fine on my TV. Only the name has changed, nothing else

 On my freeview listing, they are now U&W...U&DRAMA...U&DAVE...etc. No big deal.

Have you tried freeview? No signing in.

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It's okay watching on tv but not on computer when catching up with old programmes.

I've had to do two re-tunes; seems to be working fine.

Isn't it an off-shoot of the BBC?

Works fine on my iPad

Try a different browser 

^it's a part of BBC Studios - the commercial arm of the BBC.

BBC in collaboration with Thames TV

^The BBC and Thames got it going jointly...but for the last five years it's wholly-owned by BBC Studios.

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I've just signed in on a different browser and it seems to be working okay.  Thanks for all advice offered.

Glad you're sorted.  I have a variety of browsers for different tasks

Ahh, it was U all the time!

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