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rockyracoon | 23:11 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
14 Answers

If you're bored and need something to watch.
Alaska Daily on Alibi

Turkish Detective on BBC

Both very good.



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I've recorded Turkish Detective, just finished Vigil which was excellent 

The Turkish Detective is next on my list. I've just binge-watched both High Country and The Jetty on iplayer. Both quite decent dramas and, in my ost humble of opinions, well worth a watch.

HC a tad slow paced, but that is easily excused because of a decent plot and some good acting.

Some concentration is needed when watching The Jetty as it does 'pop' back in time on a regular basis. Jenna Coleman stars and, as per usual, gives a good performance.

I've recorded The Jetty too.

I'm very pleased to see a new series of Magpie Murders, called Moonflower Murders, is on its way.  Sublime cast and clever plot

It took ages for us to realise The Jetty kept popping back in time.   We enjoyed it though.

Naomi, wasn't until near the end of the 2nd episode that i realised. Had to watch a part of episode one again just to regain my bearings. 

In many of these type of dramas, the 'flashbacks' are obvious. Not this one.

Pleased it wasn't just us, Ken.  

Just watched a bit of The Jetty.  It seems very dark, no sunlight or electric lights. 

Probably because the first few minutes are filmed at night, Barry. And you wouldn't expect JC to turn a light on when she thought an intruder was in the house.

I've watched all but the last 10 minutes of the first episode and it all seemed to be shot in the dark or the gloom.

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I've got The Jetty to watch, also Suspects. I'm glad that Magpie Murders are back so will look forward to that.

We are all looking forward to the new series of McDonald & Dodds starting tomorrow.  Jason Watkins is brilliant and the plots are more complex than first portrayed.  The scenery is a delight too

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Ooh. I didn't know that started tomorrow. Thank you.

I thought the murder under the canal bridge was very clever

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Whitstable Pearl on Alibi is quite good. A bit Midsommer Murderesque but an easy watch. Plus I like Kerri Godliman (Derek, Afterlife)

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