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Film. Bohemian Rhapsody.

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Patsy33 | 17:37 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
29 Answers

Can't believe I missed this film about the life of Freddie Mercury & Queen! Watched it at my daughters house last week while staying with her and granddaughter. What superb acting from all of them, especially Rami Malek who played Freddie. We haven't stopped singing Queen songs since! Freddie had so much energy & charisma. What a talent. He was born to be a entertainer. I would recommend anyone who are Queen/Freddie fans to watch it. 😃



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We enjoyed it.  Also the film about Elton John's life.  I can't remember the title.   Both good movies.

Agree. Both excellent movies and more enjoyable than I expected.

Judy is another one.

Rocketman?  There was also a good one about John Lennon..Nowhere Man I think.  

Rocketman!  That's it Smurfchops.  Thanks.

Judy is the one with Rene Zellweger isn't it, Maydup?  We enjoyed that too - but there were moments when Bridget Jones played Judy Garland.

yeah good film really enjoyed it.

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Glad you all liked it too. I've seen Nowhere Man, John Lennon. I enjoyed it. Have yet to watch Rocketman, Elton John.


I'm a massive Queen fan, so saw this film when it came out at the cinema.

The guy who played Brian May was more like Brian May than Brian May was 😂

I loved Bohemien Rhapsody and Rami Malik was Fantastic... these two fella's were cut on the editors floor not knowing there Cameo roles in the film.... look closer playing parts in the film:

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That's what we jokingly said too, about Brian May, Nailedit! 😆

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I knew you would love the film Arky!. Yes, Rami Malek was fantastic. So deserved his all his special awards! I'll have to take a look at beginning of film and look out for Brian and Roger! 😃

As a side note, not long after this film came and was made available on cd etc, myself and my mate went on a 3 day cruise to Amsterdam and Antwerp. The entertainment was a Queen themed musical. Got to see this film again after a 12 hour delay departing Antwerp due to rough sea conditions....

Happy days...

That's the point though Patsy... Brian and Roger's scene was edited out of the film.... US productions I guess they flupped there not knowing it was them.

Quote from Roger was "It was a rather funny banter scene between us about a band called Queen...  between two critics. 

Queen fans would have loved it... Bri was upset about it being cut..... but the film stands alone."

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Oh sorry misunderstood. What a shame.. That would have been brilliant!

I would've have love to seen it too... I can't find it on You tube to see it.

Going back to when i watched the film at the cineama for the first time I waited for my youngest Brother to come back from America... before I'd go watch it with. I made a promise. it was four days later after its release 

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I wouldn't mind sitting through it all again, Nailedit. 😃

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That was so nice of you to wait for your brother to come home to watch it together, Arky. Are you all Queen fans in your family?

My mate loved it Patsy,

Dont even own a tv nowadays so cant even get it again on a cd,,,

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Perhaps sometime when the time is good, maybe you could go to your son's house and all watch it together? 

Myself I grew up listening to Queen...  from a youngster Mum still is but also loved Elvis...  Dad liked some songs... but youngest Bro I may have touched him into real music when I listentend a lot of Queen. He once thanked me for inroducing real music into his lfe.

youngest bro born 90'

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Film. Bohemian Rhapsody.

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