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Sewing Bee, Bloke In A Dress Wins.

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dave50 | 21:54 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers

No surprise then from the bbc.



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You're surely not suggesting a stitch up.

No...the bloke in a half-dress was the model.

I don't watch it but it doesn't matter if a he/she/they/other wins, it is not gender specific.

It matters when a man calling himself 'she/her' wins a woman's sporting event or gets the lucrative job of advertising a female specific product that no man would ever use.

How about Spoiler Alert eh?!

As it happens I did manage to watch it live and agreed with the winner. Luke was creative, talented and good fun. The final garment was splendid.

In fairness, I see no reason why he should be barred from winning.  Unless the suspicion is that he only won because of his fashion sense.

Good morning and thank you.

I will have to find something else to watch with my lunch now.

What's your point Dave50?

Get your facts right Dave!  It wasn't a bloke in a dress who won, he was merely the model.  Luke is extremely talented and deserved to win, his outfit was fabulous.

A worthy winner IMHO.


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Sewing Bee, Bloke In A Dress Wins.

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