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I'm Gutted!

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davebro3 | 11:09 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | News
12 Answers

I'm gonna need to get a visa if I want to visit Namibia. Think I'll cross that one off my bucket list.😂😂😂😂



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oh no terrible news another orifice of guano I won't be visiting! I assume they have no tourist industry anyway.

"I'm gonna need to get a visa if I want to visit Namibia"


But for everything else there's Mastercard.

Every nation has a right to require official documentation. It's the way of things. I can understand not being happy with unequal requirements between nations, but I've a suspicion it may revolve around authorities having less trust in vistors from African nations than they might from Western nations. No idea if justified or not. But, fine, visas it is then.

12:07 of course it's justified, half of Africa is trying to get to the west in one way or another. Any visitor from Africa must be consdered a disappearance risk. If Namibia et al want to spit the dummy out all they are doing is making it less likely that people will visit them. I thought I saw a Namibian tourism ad recently so they'll be cuting their own throats. 

Shooting themselves in the foot and taking aim.

I wonder how many Europeans or Americans claim asylum when visiting Namibia. Hang on a minute, let me guess  Non

“However, if her family in Quebec decide to travel to Namibia on Canadian passports, they will not face anything like the challenges and costs she encountered.”

I cannot imagine why that should be. Bloody outrageous!  🤣

What's wrong with reciprocity?

Seems there is a lot more Namibians claiming asylum in Western countries,than there is Westerners claiming asylum in Namibia.And even i did claim asylum in Namibia would i recieve free benefits,free housing(even if it was in a four-star hotel),free health care services etc that we in the West give to Namibian asylum seekers?

//What's wrong with reciprocity?//

In this case it would be one way.  How manyWesterners head to Namibia?

There are many countries in the world that I've got very little interest in visiting (e.g. the USA) or which I'd simply refuse to visit (e.g. Israel) but Namibia is a country that I'd really love to spend some time in if I had the money:

You have no money you say Buenchico,however if you claimed asylum on entering Namibia,i dare say the Namibian authorities would pander to your every need like the UK government does to Namibian"asylum seekers",surely.

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