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T W A U ... The Chase....todays Gem......

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ToraToraTora | 17:38 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers

Q: The holder of what political office has overall responsibility for the treasury?

A: The Conservatives!

🤣...almost Freudian!



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Was anticipating your post today TTT!!! Felt sure it was going to be "What animals did Ben and Jerry manufacture an ice cream for!!!"

What answer did the contestant give, Kustard?



What an idiot. Fancy thinking the Conservatives were responsible anything, other than a £22 billion fiscal gap.



Kustard I thought of Tora as soon as I heard that one.  Brilliant.  Hahaha.  Mice Cream!!  

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I saw that Kustard, I knew it was dogs but I thought it may not be as obvious to everyone.

I didn't know it was dogs but knew it wasn't mice (called the ice cream Tom & Jerries in the past by mistake so I can see where Mice comes in.  Depending on what choices  were given, my first thought would have been fish as I'm sure I had a tub of Ben&Jerries fish food icecream once

Don't Ben & Jerry make ice cream for humans? They were animals last time I looked.

Sorry late to reply Tora. Loads of dogs lovers would pay extortionate prices for special icecream for their pets but I don't think mice owners would. To be fair our dog didn't mind the ordinary stuff!!!

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T W A U ... The Chase....todays Gem......

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