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Given that only 15% of the population study maths beyond GCSE level (meaning that 85% of the population never encounter any form of calculus), I'd say that
(a) that's an exceptionally hard question for most people ; and
(b) that's a damned good guess at an answer!

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Yes, this one is unusual because it is a good guess, putting dis in front of something is often the way to invert meaning. I raised it because in doing so the contestant arrived at a word that means something completely different thus a little amusement which many don;t seem to grasp is the purpose of these posts.

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It's like the contestant who to: "who was the second man on the moon?" - answered "Buzz lightyear!" - a slip of thhe tongue probably but not a silly answer, she probably knew the correct answer but the answer given did cause much giggling.

I can't believe how much of my schoolwork I have forgotten!

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T W A U ... The Chase....todays Gem......

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