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Onomatopoeia And Opposites.

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10ClarionSt | 17:50 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
19 Answers

You know those words that are onomatopoeic, like buzz, swish, whizz, woosh etc? Are there any words that do the opposite of what they describe, e.g. someone shouting QUIET! I know that's one. Are there any others. And is there a word to describe them? Have a think. Take your mind off those demos!



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Interesting question, I'm thinking 

Not an answer to your question but it is cruel to call the condition lisping  😁

Question Author

I see what you mean Barry, but isn't that onomatopoeic, sort of?

Wicked meaning really good


It is possible to say quiet quietly.



Said in an oxymoronic way, passive-aggressively.


Question Author

True, but a lot of times it's shouted out, similarly SILENCE!

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Wicked is a wicked answer!

Something described as being "Well sick!"

More accurately, lithping.

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Another good one, TCL. These are things that are said by the kids today aren't they? More of a modern thing, I think.

My last Spanish summer holiday was really cool.

Question Author

Good one Doug! There's got to be loads of them, surely! 😄


That's nice.

A polite way of saying it's horrible 

We're working inCREDibly hard to...

The closest, in use, everyday word may be anomalous, antithesis, or perhaps asymetric.  

I woke up in the night and thought of a terrific example.

I've forgotten what it was 

Woman boxer.

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