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Blackshore Tv Series

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Ken4155 | 10:35 Sun 04th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers

Watched the whole of this series over the last couple of evenings. It is from RTE and was released over in Irelnd back in February of this year. It is now available on both Netflix and Amazon Prime, i believe. Well worth a watch, imho.




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Looks like The Jetty.

I'm a sucker for cheekbones though. 😊

Will give it a butchers!

Thanks Ken.  I'm watching this at the moment.  A supernatural thriller.   I'm enjoying it.

n. How would you enter that silly title to search for it?

Have to say though, what I could see of the woman she looks worth searching for. 😃

I searched 'OA Netflix' on google - and came up with that.

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Just watched a couple of trailers for the OA, Naomi. Intrigued enough to give it a whirl, more than likely some time this evening. 

I've just checked Netflix and Prime and can't find it.


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Naomi, i've just read up on The OA and apparently it was cancelled after 2 seasons without "finishing the story" - a quote from the lead female. 

Something to do with being too costly to produce and not ikely to attract new members - according to the Netflix bigwigs.

Now you've said that, Ken, I'm beginning to think they couldn't decide how to end it.  I thought it got a bit long-winded and convoluted last night.  I only just realised Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malloy from Harry Potter) is in it.  I knew I recognised him but didn't place him.  Great actor.  He did the Cary Grant story too.

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Rocky, sorry about that, but i did ask Google and it said it was available on Netflix and/or Prime.

I have a mate who lives in Dublin and he records Irish dramas for me and sends them over. Hope it's made available soon 'cos it really is watchable.

Rocky, Amazon Prime tells me it's not available at my location.

Mine too.  Hopefully it'll arrive in the UK soon.

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