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News Sports Summary - Olympics, Still Pictures, Why?

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ToraToraTora | 11:20 Sat 03rd Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
15 Answers

The Olympics is all over the BBC right? So why in the news sports section when the olympics is reported we get only still pictures? That normally happens when they are reporting an event that is exclusive to another channel.



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As with the Olympics in Tokyo three years ago (though it wasn't as noticeable because of the time difference) the BBC no longer has the rights to stream all live events - the rights were bought by Warner/Discovery, so you need a subscription to view everything live.  Probably something to do with that.

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it's on the BBC 10 hours a day!

Yes, but they're only allowed to show two live events at a time, down from 24 in Rio, as they have to sublicense the rights fromWarner/Discovery

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I'm talking about events that you can see when they happen or later when the BBC show them in the actual olypic show that is on allo day. Later when they appear in the news they are still pictures. So BBC have already shown them either live or as a highlight but on the sports section of the news they are shown as still pictures.

The BBC has the rights to broadcast only two live events at the same time plus recordings of other events.

It might be that with the BBC news being received in other countries, any recorded Olympic action might breach the rights held by broadcasters in those countries.

I was looking for an event for this coming Monday that won't be shown on BBC...but might be available on iplayer. I need to look into that.

I haven't been happy with the BBC reporting of the Olympics. They might as well be a radio show. Too much talking!!!!! And no tennis!!!!! 

// And no tennis!!!!!  //

they showed the conclusion of Alcatraz's match yesterday teatime......

Sharon - my posts above give the reason there's so much waffle on the BBC!

Sharon, I think much of the tennis was on the iPlayer.

I agree with THECORBYLOON's reply to TTT's query.

As an aside, Eurosport also transmit the Olympics on two channels. On Sky it's channels 413 and 414.

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12:19 but they can broadcast recordings, they are not in the sports summary in news, why? that's the point

I did watch Murray's and Evans last match which was transmitted in full on Eurosport

// they are not in the sports summary in news //

presumably for the same reason RTE News was geo-blocked in Northern Ireland - because the TV company are only licenced to show Olympic content in their own territory, whereas their news bulletins can be seen wider than that.

Mushroom..they showed the conclusion of Alcatraz's match yesterday teatime

Big deal!!!!!

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