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The Chase Today ....

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Gizmonster | 17:19 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers

Question on today's Chase:
In computer security, what word can go before "code", "phrase" and "word".

The contestant didn't have a clue and replied "pass".

"Correct" sniggered Bradley.

Quality  :)



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have you stolen ttts thunder?


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////  have you stolen ttts thunder?  ////

I woudn't even dare  :)

TTT usually posts dumb answers .... this has a slightly different twist  :)

Never heard of the word 'passphrase' before.  I think The Beast had been wound up today, couldn't stop talking.  I have to press Mute when he starts...

passphrase is new to me too. But I suppose I could have got it with "word".

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The Chase Today ....

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