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Sean Of The Dead.

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sandyRoe | 18:19 Thu 08th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
8 Answers

I was watching this last night and there was a scene where a line of people were walking away from the zombies.

In that line I saw Matt Lucas, Tamsin Greig, and Stephen Mangan.

They didn't play any other part in the film.  Was their presence there a bit of an in joke?



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Yes - this is a the queue down the garden path / gynel?

it has become a bit of a cult-art thing - I thought  they were Simon Peggs friends ( they were / are) and just filling in.

On the IMBD website, there are a fair few uncredited stars but Stephen Mangan isn't one of them.

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My mistake about Mangan, sorry.

Mmmmm, Tamsin Greig. 🤩


Great film, I see something new every time I watch it

Did you spot the Cornetto?

There's also one in Hot Fuzz and The World's End.

It was just a replica of Pegg's group, instead being led by Jess Hynes, who Pegg starred with in and co-wrote the sitcom Spaced with. Along with Hynes (from memory) was Julia Deakin (who was also in Spaced) Martin Freeman, Reece Shearsmith, Tamsin Greig and Matt Lucas.

Brainiac, Shaun buys the Cornetto from the shop at the start of the movie.

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Sean Of The Dead.

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