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Robert Carlyle

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Seusse | 23:00 Tue 13th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
21 Answers

He was a homeless guy in London, nasty and a bully, cu himself up in a cafe,  with a tumbler



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he must have given it the full monty!

So Robert Carlyle was a homeless, nast piece of crud who self harmed with glass in a cafe but somehow went on to become a well respected actor?

Where in God's name are you getting this info from?

better hand the case over to Hamish McBeth...


You sure you didn't mistake Trainspotting for a documentary? 

He is known for researching the characters he plays.

He lived as a homeless person to prepare for a role.

Must be Mozz, What a load of crud,


Robert Carlyle feigned homelessness, by sleeping rough on the streets of London for 10 days, in order to get inside the character of a homeless man.  He's never actually been homeless.

Wheres the idea come from the he was nasty and a bully and a self harmer? What a load of carp...

Please provide some links.

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For all you mouthy lot, there was no need for the nasty comments, delete your answers. IT WAS A PLAY HE WAS IN !!!!


Wasn't made clear by your post.


You stated a supposed fact. The answers addressed that this was incorrect

12:02 You should make it clear what you are asking, your post is a sentence with no clarification, no question no context. If you want a better response start with a better post. As far as I can tell from your post and later addition, you are saying you saw an actor do some acting.

//For all you mouthy lot, there was no need for the nasty comments, delete your answers//

Youve been on here since must know by now that AB doesnt have a delete option?

Your post wasn't at all clear though, Seusse; and even now, I'm still unsure what you're asking or what and why you're telling us. Are you for example wanting to know what the name of the play was?

As has been said, if you don't make things like that clear in the OP, then you can't be surprised when you don't get the response you're looking for.

14 questions in 14 years seusse!

So you´re an annual poster! 

see you next year! : - )

C U N Y 

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