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My Neighbour Totoro

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sandyRoe | 11:33 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
2 Answers

I saw this cartoon film last night in a cinema attached to the Uni.  The audience was mostly made up of students.

It's a happy, feel good, film well worth watching.



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As I'm sure you can tell from my avatar, I'm a huge fan of My Neighbour Totoro and of Studio Ghibli in general. It's a wonderful family film, with some of the most gorgeous hand-drawn animation you'll see. Hayao Miyazaki is a genius in his field.
13:13 Wed 14th Aug 2024

As I'm sure you can tell from my avatar, I'm a huge fan of My Neighbour Totoro and of Studio Ghibli in general. It's a wonderful family film, with some of the most gorgeous hand-drawn animation you'll see. Hayao Miyazaki is a genius in his field.

My Neighbour Totoro is a tender and lovely cartoon, one of my favorites. I watched it when I was a child. I can still remember the scene where Satsuki offers Totoro a spare umbrella, and Totoro is delighted by the sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella. So dreamy, so beautiful. Given a time-turner, I would definitely go back to that childhood summer when I could watch anime and cartoons, eat snacks slyly before dinner time, and hang out freely with friends. Laugh loud and cry loud. 😭 Now I am a grown-up, with so many trivial and nasty things to be handled in life. But I still love watching cartoons and anime. They are my Neverland.

By the way, My Neighbour Totoro can be streamed on HBO Max. (;utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=cleverget-max-downloader_1429)

Also, I would watch anime on Crunchyroll, a great anime website. (

I hope you can enjoy the lovely cartoon and also have a very good like. Best wishes.

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