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calda49 | 15:51 Wed 14th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

Is it just me or has Smowball not posted this morning? I hope she is alright as yesterday she said she had a terrible night and didn't feel 100%. I don't often answer, but I read the comments every day. It's part of my getting up process and tuning in to the world.



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She's definitely not posted today (unless, for some very unlikely reason, her post was removed):

However even the most regular of posters sometimes take an occasional break.  So I wouldn't get too worried just yet!

Smow - if you are looking in - hope you are and everything is OK. x

Hopefully just catching up on some much needed sleep, I'm sure we'll find out about 4.00 am... -ish

Disappointed to not see Smow on here this morning or yesterday.  Hoping to see her soon.

^^  Yes. hope she is well as she seemed concerned about some medical issues lately. x

She looked in earlier, hopefully she's seen this. 

Oh dear. Quite worrying. I usually read her posts but rarely comment - I've not got anything particularly interesting to add. Hope she's ok. 

Yeah Smow they really care for you... I do really and enjoyed reading the re-vamped early bird thread although I don't participate much.

I do hope that you're safe and well Xx 

Any chance of a post tomorow, Smow?  Hope you and yours areOK. x

I've sent her a FB messenger message.

I hope she's okay.

Smow looked in at 20.13 - she may be waiting till morning to post?

if ill, get well soon ! Smow


Checked in with Smow on FB. Shes got a vomitting bug, be back soon 😁. But she's just a little ill at the moment.

Thanks for the update, nailedit. 

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