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Wheeler Dealers

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Bazile | 19:59 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
28 Answers

Is there anything Marc Priestley and Edward China , doesn't know about cars / vans 



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Yes thousands of things but the key to being good at a lot of things is experience and knowing how to approach it. Same with IT.

Having worked on most of the cars I’ve owned, I can guarantee that for some of the repairs that they have had input from others knowledgeable of the particular vehicle.  In fact I’ve seen a couple of episodes when they have admitted as much.


For the most part, you’d think they knew everything about every vehicle they repaired, but that is definitely not the case where there is some non-standard arrangement of the mechanics/electrics on the vehicle.

From the days of referring to the trusted Haynes manual, within the first few pages there was a list of repairs that required the engine out (for that particular vehicle) – of course Wheeler Dealers might have had a full vehicle workshop manual, always just out of shot.

It's all smoke and mirrors, like all TV entertainment.

The car is bought before Mike sees it, thoroughly inspected so they know exactly what they're letting themselves in for.

Still, I never miss an episode 

Yes, it’s impressive how Mike Brewer is able to identify all the vehicle’s faults as he is driving it back to the workshop.

On the back of a low loader 😂

Who is Marc Priestley?

I can't help myself, I check out the cars to see what happens to them, tax MOTs etc.  Sometimes it's more revealing than the programme 

A mechanic

He is called Elvis on the show

I feel sorry for Ant not getting a mention.

Ant is our favourite although he was only in 3 series

He did alright getting that girlfriend. Is he still with her?

As far as I know he is still with Renée 

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I'm getting my mechanics mixed up 

Is Ant the one who is always drawing sketches to explain things ?


Ant was in the US series, Marc/Elvis is the latest one, back in the UK.

Ant did draw his explanations


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I don't think I've seen any episodes with Marc .

I've been watching them on Quest - are they being shown on another channel ?

Where do you check out the vehicles , Barry ?

It's a pity Ed left and Mike stayed 

I watch it on Discovery and use Vehicle Smart to check out tax status and MOT history 

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