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Talking Pictures, Channel 82

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hellywelly4 | 11:04 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers

I've just watched a "Look at Life" programme on this channel - fascinating. All about Sweeps in the 1960s, and I was struck by the lack of Health and Safety. I know we smile at 'elf and safety' nowadays, but it was amazing to see the workmen on top of chimneys with nothing to save them if they fell. Times have certainly changed.



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Round here window cleaners don't use ladders anymore, and we've had our gutters cleared by a firm with a big vac and long pipes. Binmen used to lift the bins on their back and then in to the wagon, jobs a lot safer and easier with Wheelie bins.

Like the native American steel erectors in 20s/30s walking around on girders at great heights. Sure footed & confident.

(Film of Fred Dibnah up factory chimneys, also not much safety gear in evidence.)

My window cleaner came today, he uses ladders. He cleans out the gutters too, twice a year.


A lot of jobs which used to be done on ladders now insist on scaffolding.

There wasn't any elfin safety in the 60s

Coincidentally, there weren't many big compensation payouts for work place injuries back then. 

Statistically very few people fall off a tall chimney more than once in their entire life, so this health and safety stuff is largely unneccessary.

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Talking Pictures, Channel 82

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