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If You Discovered A Method Of Making Lucrative Amounts Of Money And Fame, But It Also Had The Side Effect Of Most People (Other Than Target Audience) Heavily Disliking The Method, Would You Pursue It?

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StupidGuy | 03:44 Thu 22nd Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers

I recently discovered something that is going around Youtube at the moment. This person named Alexey Gerasimov under the youtube alias 'Dafuq!?Boom!' has been creating this series called 'Skibidi Toilet'. The main characters are these people with security cameras for heads, and the antagonists seem to be these toilets with heads coming out of them. There are 24 seasons, and 77 episodes. I recommend you don't check this out, because the nature of these is most definitely generation alpha content, and falls under the 'brainrot' category.


I was looking up statistics for this because I was curious how much money Alexey is worth as a result. Alexey has a shocking $135.87 million dollar net worth, and each episode rakes in tens of millions, sometimes hundreds of millions of views. Along with this, Alexey has had an iron grip on the industry, copyright claiming and striking people's youtube channels that recreate Skibidi, taking down fan games of the content, and having a near monopoly on the Skibidi pipeline. This has lead to many people from a diverse range of generations really hating Alexey and his content.


This brought up a interesting thought to mind. If you discovered a method of making lucrative amounts of money and fame as Alexey has, but it also had the side effect of most generations heavily disliking the method, would you pursue it? 



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Every company, entrepreneur, businessperson makes money by appealing to its target audience.

Some have a very wide audience catering to mass markets; others like this man has found a niche audience and there is nothing wrong in that especially as that target grows year on year as younger children grow up.

So yes, I would pursue it.  Rock and pop stars have been cashing in on younger fans for decades with very little appeal to the older generations.



Cant see a problem, if there is a market go for it.

Unsure why there is hatred. If there's an issue then folk need not support nor get involved.


Normal folk only object when something is wrong so I'm unsure what type of thing could be both legitimate and so upsetting.  Unless you are referring to things such as shoving up 20mph speed limits around the place just to annoy and deprive decent members of the public. No I wouldn't do that.

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If You Discovered A Method Of Making Lucrative Amounts Of Money And Fame, But It Also Had The Side Effect Of Most People (Other Than Target Audience) Heavily Disliking The Method, Would You Pursue It?

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