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Henry Cooper Did A Number Of Advertisements For...

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sandyRoe | 11:03 Fri 23rd Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers

... after shave.

One was with an athlete, probably an Olympic medalist, can anyone remember who that was?



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he also appeard in a Brut  advert with David Hemery 
11:15 Fri 23rd Aug 2024

Barry Sheene (Brut)

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It wasn't him.  I'm sure this was a middle distance runner.


also Kevin Keegan



and Harvey Smith



Are you sure it was an ad in the UK? Various sportsmen have been used in US adverts.

he also appeard in a Brut  advert with David Hemery


Well done!

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It was an English advertisement.  Henry and the other chap were jogging in a park.

I'm starting to think I might have imagined it.

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Crossed posts there.

Well done!

I'm starting to think I might have imagined it.

this is a condition freuently seen on AB, Sandy

Interestingly, that "splash-it-on" cologne is now a "spray-it-on" EDT...same glass bottle, same medallion and chain round it's neck and same smell. Available on amazon, if anyone's really interested!

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Henry Cooper Did A Number Of Advertisements For...

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