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How Many Do You Know ?

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Canary42 | 15:41 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

Jake Quickenden

Christine McGuinness

Tamer Hassan

Jamie MacDonald

Emma Thynn

Personally I've not heard of any of them.




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Nor me.  Who are they?

nope who are they?

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They're very familiar faces according to the BBC blurb




It’s time for the third Heat week, which will see five brand new, but very familiar, faces enter the MasterChef arena.

christine mcguiness is paddy mcguiness's ex wife( top gear)  I think 

I know who three of them are. I thought you were going to say it's the Strictly line up 💃🕺

oh good grief this years masterchef has had a very low bar on what they class as a celebrity .

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So called celebs on Celebrity Masterchef and no apart from a guess at Christine Mcguinnes being Paddy's ex wife

None of them!

I know of Christine McGuiness because of her charity work. None of the others

Only one, Christine McG married to Paddy McG, I think.


Oops I typed my reply ages ago but had a visitor before I had time to post it.

perhaps their faces would be familiar - their names aren't

One, but then I'd never heard of Molly May Hague and Tommy Fury till they were all over the news the other day. Add to that never heard of most of the 'celebrities' who turn up on assorted quiz shows. I would do away with 'reality tv' as to me it is against the trade description act - nothing real about it. Maybe they could move Love Island to Essex, or vice versa.

Ok, I am obviously old and greetin' faced.

I know of 1, 2 & 4.  I had to look up 3 & 5 & said "Oh, that's you, is it?"

I don't watch most reality shows but I do enjoy Come Dine With Me and Four in a Bed as lightweight 'before bed' tv.  Does Car SOS, Wheeler Dealer, Bangers and Cash count as reality tv? 

I used to absolutely love watching this, but I also said this year to MrSmow that they were really scraping the barrel celebrity wise lol! 
Christine McGuiness, who is indeed Paddy's estranged wife, has spent the last year telling all and sundry about her new autism diagnosis in absolutely every conversation that she has.   The blind comedian is never heard of but seems a nice guy. Just don't see how he can be treated the same in the show as the others or have fair/unfair advantages.

well, none of them, but I've never heard of MasterChef either, so... it's not them, it's me...

lol jno

None of them. The masterchef format is really scraping the barrel now. 

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