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Children's Television Programmes That An Adult Might Watch.

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sandyRoe | 04:20 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
57 Answers

Blue Peter, Magpie, and The Magic Roundabout, are ones I'd sometimes watch.

Are there any others you liked ?



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Scooby Doo

Anything with my hero Brian Cant.

Just remembered another favourite - Four Feather Falls, with the sheriff (Tex Tucker?) whose guns would swivel and fire themselves without leaving the holster. 

Take Hart

Tiswas  (not quite sure if that qualifies as a kids programme)

Another I can half remember the intro song, but not the programme. I suppose I could Google it, but I'll float it here instead - try to answer without Google, Wiki etc.

He's something and faithful right up to the end, That wonderful  something four legged friend.

I think it was a horse, but not Mr Ed.

Muffin the Mule - Sunday teatime in the 50s when tv was very new. I think the presenter Annette Mills was the sister of John Mills.

Tiswas was for lecherous old men (Sally James) 😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  😁  


Fair point, well made Canary

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Was that Champion the Wonder Horse?

No, it was a record released by Roy Rodgers.

Yes, Sandy, I think you may be right. Thanks.

Oh !


seems you're right bhg, I've cheated and used Google.



bluey.  It is the BEST TV program EVER

A wag in our group claimed the words were "A four-legged friend, he'll never let you down, 'til his legs break"

Funny what you remember from 70 years ago.

I've not seen it in ages...Sesame Street. Apparently its still running...since 1969.

But I certainly started watching it well before I even thought about children. I remember my roommate and I watching it before heading off to work.

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Then there was Skippy the bush Kangaroo.

"What's that, Skippy, the flying doctors fallen down a dry well and broken his leg?  Lead the way."

I never liked that.

a little off topic maybe, but since the magic roundabout has been mentioned several times, how many are old enough to remember the theme tune sounding like this?

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