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Children's Television Programmes That An Adult Might Watch.

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sandyRoe | 04:20 Wed 28th Aug 2024 | Film, Media & TV
57 Answers

Blue Peter, Magpie, and The Magic Roundabout, are ones I'd sometimes watch.

Are there any others you liked ?



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I loved Noggin The Nog.

Even now, the sound of Oliver Postgate's fabulous voice sends me straight back to being eight and watching on a winter's Sunday night (I think).

Now, I watch In The Night Garden with my youngest grandson.

I'm convinced those scenarios could have only been dreamed up by minds under the influence of industrial-strength hallucinogenics!!

The original Magic Roundabout in the late 60's was watched at 5 to 6 every night in my college refectory.  At 6 o'clock (time for the news ) all the students (approx 30 in number ) got up and left !!!! lol

The Clangers and many years later Postman Pat with my son

Used to love Grange Hill and viewed a few episodes not long ago on You Tube.

Thomas the tank engine. 

Twizzle, Captain Pugwash, Jonny Quest, Robinson Crusoe

Danger Mouse

The original Tom and jerry. 

The story of Tracy beaker

Popeye the sailor man with Olive Oyl, Bluto, Peewee & Wimpy.

Any of the ' Looney Tunes' cartoons.

Didn't Dr Who start out as a children's programme?

Not that I ever did watch it.

When I was in digs with a family with two boys age 5 and 7, the latter was regularly reduced to tears by Lassie.

I like crosswords more than children's progz

Magic roundabout gained quite a cult following when it was on

I liked Ermintrude ( cow with flower in its mouth) - goodbye daaahling

Didn't Dr Who start out as a children's programme?

diddly bing diddly bong - woo-hoo dardly da-da-da-da...

yes - the words on the street is that episode one co incided with the shooting of the president - so it was repeated ( only time in Beeb history)


everyone was talking about it in the schoolyard Monday and so it was repeated

Quiz: who on AB says "  exterminate! exterminate!" - the mimsy-at-all-times rule prevents me from answering

Why was the first episode of Dr Who repeated?


The show's launch was overshadowed by the assassination of American President John F. Kennedy the previous day, resulting in a repeat of the first episode the following week.

Definitely Loony Tunes. Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Foghorn Leghorn, I say Foghorn Leghorn. Tom and Jerry for sure.

I guess most of us on here were the first generation to grow up with TV from (early) childhood - we got our first telly when I was ten.

Has it been beneficial or were we better off without?


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