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nailedit | 11:24 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
32 Answers

Had to nip up town this morning (after posting my thread below) where there was a film crew, filming on the bridge on the way into town, bit unusual but thought nothing of it. Thought it was students or something.

On the way back home, they were packing up equipment.

Asked them what they were filming for out of curiosity.

"Coronation Street"

So if you see a fat, overweight, scruffy looking, tatooed, skinhead on Corrie in the next week or two....



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Fame at last!!  :o)

Are you going to start watching Corrie now, Nailedit?

Wonder why they were filming in your neck of the woods



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Aint got a tv barry, probably why I didnt recogise who was been filmed. 😂

//Wonder why they were filming in your neck of the woods//

Remember when they filmed in Blackpool and Alen Bradly got killed by a tram??

Maybe something similar. Some character comes to stoke and dies of despair...

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//Fame at last!!  :o)//

However shall I cope???

I like Stoke, especially the very exotic Etruria 😂

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//especially the very exotic Etruria 😂//

Exactly when was the last time you visited Stoke barry? 😂

The best thing to come out of Stoke is the M6.

Never thought of you as being fat naildit. 🙂

I hope it's cooler for the crew and actors there than it is here, 30° in the shade & it's predicted to go higher this afternoon.

It's so hot my Werthers Originals are melting !  I've had to put them in the fridge.

I was in Etruria a couple of years ago.  

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//Never thought of you as being fat naildit. 🙂//

Well, maybe not fat as such, but certainly could do with losing a bit of beef from the midriff...

//I was in Etruria a couple of years ago//

Can I ask what for? Unless its work related, I cannot think of a single reason why anyone would want to visit Stoke...

Just googled this and it's about Robbie Willians life story. Sorry but I can't do links...

nailedit,we have good friends that live on narrowboats and we went to see them when the canal festival was on.  Cracking pub there with a microbrewery.  Great festival, too, if you like that sort of thing 

Khandro - // It's so hot my Werthers Originals are melting ! //

Oo-er, and indeed, missus!!

Snot hot here, around 20 and overcast

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//Just googled this and it's about Robbie Willians life story. Sorry but I can't do links//

OK, so its not Coronation Street?? Ive been had 😂

What did you google exactly because Ive tried every word under the sun and cant find any info???

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Nailedit I was googling about Corrie and this flashed up at the end. It was an article in Stoke-on-Trent live( local paper?).Said that they were filming a biopic of Robbie Williams life.

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Thanks andres, ill have a look at that...

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Nope. Cant find anything on Stoke on Trent Live. Was that a recent article andres?

I recently read of one of Prince Philip's witty remarks.  He was talking to an MP and asked which area he represented. 'Stoke'.

Ghastly, isn't it replied the Duke and walked away.

Nailedit --It said ,Weds.28/8/24 at filming at 4.30 


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