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What Do I Do About This Date?

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abbeylee90 | 11:00 Mon 02nd Dec 2024 | Family & Relationships
17 Answers

Basically I'm meant to be going on a date Thursday but o realised I've double booked, I have an appointment at 4.20 and we are meant to be meeting between 6-6.30. I asked about changing it to Friday but I can't do then.



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Tell the person you're meeting you'll be there at a later time.

Why did you ask about changing it to Friday if you can't do it then?

What are you going to wear?

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Instead of Thursday. I got work Friday anyway.

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Long grey dress I think 

Just meet later:  I can't see the problem.

if she/he is hot then go on it anyway. if they aren't then go to your appointment.


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I'll go to my appointment then and meet him

Is your 4:20 appointment another date or is it something with a known likely finish time? Just arrange to meet a bit later. You do seem to make mountains out of molehills sometimes abbey.  

But you only work 2 hours a day.

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He don't finish until 4

Let him know you might be late but it'll be worth his while to be patient.

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Hopefully it goes well.

Do you have a diary?  How are you doing your hair?

Tell him you will be there and has he seen Groundhog Day?

Just wondering how the date came about, did you meet him online? 

Is it a new date or one of the guys you've told us about previously?  

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