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People You Envy

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Canary42 | 19:01 Sat 14th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
29 Answers

It has been suggested on another thread that I envy Carol Vorderman.

Who, if anyone, do you envy, and why (please keep replies to people in public life whom we're all likely to know of).







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tough question - will have to think on it

Jezza/Hamster/captain slow. I'd have loved to have got paid for burgering about with cars, going on road trips etc.

Tony Benn and Jeremy Corbyn.

They each had a vision of what our society should be and worked tirelessly to achieve it.

They may not have succeeded, but that's not the point.  They tried their best and that's all any of us can do.

^. Admire, rather than envy.

Do they have to be alive now?


no - why would you envy a dead person tho'?

Tony Benn and Jeremy Corbyn.

There was quite a lot I didnt envy about Benn - denial of identity - Lord Stansgate then Anthony wedgwood  benn then Tony Benn

educated his children according to HIS socialist principles rather than their needs ( Holland Park Comp) - I think that jibe was from Hilary

married a rich American wife - ok envious  of that

Speeches: first class presentation of second class ideas. spent five minutes on every sentence...

I don't know, was Holland Park Comp one of those bog standard schools you hear about?

"school can be fun if you are good at games" obit Times last week

yeah I was pretty envious of boys who cd get by on the rugby field

the best of the comprehensives - full of parents  who were in govt or politicians

Envious of Nelson   battle winner but terrible with women.

Dickens - scribble  scribble scribble ( + the  lulu to go with success) but ditto terrible with women

Matthew Hopkins - also not a ladies' man

It didn't do Hilary any harm.  He's a minister now, overseeing our affairs here in N Ireland.

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I certainly see no need to exclude dead notables, you're envying their live period.

I don't envy anyone.

You never know what inner demons someone is fighting on a daily basis.

An example would be Alfie Boe, a vey cheerful upbeat person who has a great singing voice.  He tried to kill himself a couple of years ago.  

Maybe I am being negative due to my constant battle with Mania and Clinical Depression.  


Neither do I Canary, thank you.  Got to think of one now.

The dead.

my constant battle with Mania and Clinical Depression.  

mania's OK isnt it? depression is a bit of a bummer

I can't see anything wrong with educating children according to your own principles; isn't that what everyone does, consciously or otherwise?

Though I've heard Maria Montessori was a poor mother.

Mother Theresa wasn't all she's cracked up to be either apparently.

Call no man lucky until he is dead.

It's true, when we look at someone what do we see but a fascade.  We can't know what their experiences, their lives are like.

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