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R N L I - They've Got A Cheek...

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ToraToraTora | 22:10 Wed 18th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
80 Answers

Just seen their ad asking for money to be left in wills. Well I used to give money to this shower. Now they are are the main importers of illegal immigrants. They go out to find them and ferry them back. They'll get sweet FA from me.

Don't get me started on the border farce......



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These illegal migrants know they will be "rescued" by the RNLI as soon as they set off and reach British waters. They are wating there to pick them up. The sooner the RNLI stop doing this and leave them floundering the better.  It might act as a deterrent. 
06:04 Thu 19th Sep 2024

Naturally, I hope that any donations I make go to supporting the 'proper' work of the RNLI, however I don't get to decide that and living in Blackpool, where the inshore and offshore boats seem to be deployed twice-weekly, I choose to support the RNLI and the volunteers who live in the town.

My.Grandfather was part of Pett Level lifeboat last century, and although not a part of the RNLI, they've always been close to my heart.

When push comes to shove, they are folk who are risking their own lives to save others. Who they rescue is irrelevant to me, they will always have my support.

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mozz: "Who they rescue is irrelevant to me... ." - I agree, where do you stand on their ferry service?

You've no thought for the welfare of those in peril on the sea?

I stand behind the lifeboatmen. They respond to what they're called out to and do not get to pick and choose. Do I think they should be exploited this way? No, I do not. Is that enough to end my support of them? Not even close.

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11:08 again willfully ignoring the point. They are not rescueing them they are meeting them and ferrying them to Dover.

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mozz: "I stand behind the lifeboatmen. They respond to what they're called out to and do not get to pick and choose. " - so do I but they are not being called out they are patrolling the limit of British waters and ferrying illegals.

TTT you do talk some drivel at times (most of the time actually). Maybe you should actually read up on what the RNLI does, or watch some of the Rescue at Sea programmes.

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11:15, I've seen it, they are patrolling the channel looking for boats to "rescue"

see their own site:

They talk about helping those in trouble on the water but they assume they are in trouble regardless of whether they are.

Hardly any of these overgrowded boats reach the UK on their own, they get intercepted and "rescued" by the RNLI and/or the border Farce.

If that is so Tora, and you've not provided any evidence that they are on patrol yet, then the fault is not with them, but their superiors. Coming on here and flapping your gums (as is your modus operandi) how the RNLI are "The main supporters of illegal immigrants" makes you look foolish.

ttt, how do you know that?

TORATORATORA from your link,

"Our crews are tasked in the UK by HM Coastguard to assist anyone who is in trouble on or in the water and will go to the aid of those crossing one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes in small, overcrowded and unseaworthy boats , when tasked to do so." [emphasis added]

It doesn't say they 'they are patrolling the channel looking for boats to "rescue"', they go out only when tasked to do so.

A question for those criticising the RNLI.

Would you rather see the boat people drown than be rescued?

drowned everytime.   ssave a burden on us

You've no consideration even for the wee ones on board?

no , their parents put them in danger.

12:18...that's one of the sickest comments I've seen on here. Inexcusable.

Another day in AB, another ABer taking pleasure in dead children. No point in responding to Sparkly. It would only be removed by the mods.

I simply answered the question.  I  have no sympathy for those crossing half the world for a free life here.

"I  have no sympathy for those crossing half the world for a free life here."

No sympathy either for the wee ones who would have had very little or no choice in the matter.

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