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T W A U ... The Chase....from Yesterday.....

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ToraToraTora | 14:26 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
63 Answers

Multiple Choice this time:

What is the more common name for the 'cigar shark'?

A: Hammerhead shark   B: Dumb gulper shark  C: Cookiecutter shark

Answer A: 🀣



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Why is a shark shaped like a cigar called a cookiecutter?

You'd think some people on here had never heard of Google

^you'd also think that people on here wouldn't rise to TTT's bait every day.

Question Author

12:15 It's bite leaves a mark like a cookie cutter but that's irrelevant to this. The planted silly answer given is why this even makes it as a TWAU.

This one missed the mark, TTT.  You're the only one laughing at it.

Question Author

15:15 it's not intended as bait just meant to be a light hearted chuckle but it does innexplicably make people pretend to be thick and get angry.

"14:35 so you think there are hammer shaped cigars? Right oh! I think my superpower is kicking in again."

so you think there are cookie-cutter shaped cigars?  right oh!

How much did you win in the cashbuilder when you were on it, TORATORATORA?

Keep them coming, TTT - I enjoy the daft responses generated

TTT...hows dry September going..are you struggling?

Question Author

"so you think there are cookie-cutter shaped cigars?  right oh!" - it's irrelevant, that's the point it can't possibly be the answer given which is the silly answer they put in. 15:16 explains why it's called a cookie cutter but that's not the point.

TTT, if you haven't a clue what the answer might be, it could be the answer.  What is wrong with you?

I'm guessing (most people would be) that more people would get that wrong than right.


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15:31 still on the wagon, not missing it at all. I have lost over a stone, got my resting pulse right down, been training every day. TBF I do feel a bit cream crackered today.

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naomi: "TTT, if you haven't a clue what the answer might be, it could be the answer.  What is wrong with you?" - any of them in theory could be the answer but in reality that one is the least likely.

Keep it wont regret it!

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davebro: "I'm guessing (most people would be) that more people would get that wrong than right." - well it's an even money shot so not really. A is their for amusement, hence this post. The chase do that.

Not if you haven't a clue, TTT.   

If there's a wagon - I fell off itπŸ™„ It's gonna have to be Stoptober.

(Aldi haven't helped by reducing vodka from 11.99 to 9.99 a bottle!)

Question Author

naomi: "Not if you haven't a clue, TTT. " - then you have an even money shot once you have discounted the obvious bait for dummies. Pick any of the others and this is not a TWAU.

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