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T W A U ... The Chase....from Yesterday.....

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ToraToraTora | 14:26 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | Film, Media & TV
63 Answers

Multiple Choice this time:

What is the more common name for the 'cigar shark'?

A: Hammerhead shark   B: Dumb gulper shark  C: Cookiecutter shark

Answer A: 🤣



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TTT, i had no idea which is the obvious bait for dummies.   Why is that so difficult for you to understand?  Could it be that you're the dummy?

Question Author we go round in circles, you think that there is a cigar shaped like a hammer? probably every shark except the hammer head could be said to resemble a cigar, so they used the only one that doesn't. Why is that so difficult to understand? Stop playing games Naomi you have raised these yourself I have no idea what you get out of pretending to be thick.

if we could see pictures of the 3 sharks in question...

TTT,  When your posts are funny, I laugh.  This isn't.  It's silly.

Question Author

TTT - you do tend to drag these threads out. Can you not just accept that some people (even the intelligensia on here) simply don't get it. (And move on to your next one, or not.)

Question Author

16:19 they do get it, no one is that thick, for some unfathomable reason rather than join in they'll twist heaven and earth to have a go at me when all I really intended was a little chuckle at a silly answer.

well if you didn't keep on about it they wouldn't keep having a go at you!

Question Author

just trying to make them understand.

I thought a cigar shark was someone who sells black market cigars! 

It seems that Tora is on one of his "I'm right and the rest of the world is thick" attacks, but I'll try with some logic.

If you're given a question about sharks which you don't have a clue about, and you're provided with three multiple choice possibilities, two of which sound like made up names and the other one you definitely know is a shark, you'd go for the shark wouldn't you?

Question Author

16:58 With this type of question they all will be sharks. So you'd not go with the one it obviously isn't

I think you're backing a loser here, TTT. That's my verdict. It must be true! 😄

It's The Chase Tora, not Brain of Britain. They often have ridiculous options on the multiple choice rounds.

Is the Dumb Gulper Shark a real thing?

Question Author

yes but not in this format of question.


Which of these is a shark?

A: Cookie monster    B: Cookie cutter   B: Cookie eater

Then 2 would be made up, never with the format in the OP.

Question Author

I still disagree. Although I've heard of a cookie cutter shark (probably Attenborough's fault) if I hadn't, I can completely understand why the contestant picked Hammerhead.

Question Author

mozz: " I can completely understand why the contestant picked Hammerhead." - how? It's put there as an obvious wally catcher!

TTT, because like most people the contestant had never heard of the other two - and so he chose the one he knew was a shark.  Seriously, how difficult is that to understand?  

Question Author

as I said to mozz for this type of question they will all be sharks.

50 posts on a TWAU that must be a record! The pretend to be thick score is high with this one!

Right just going to watch tonight's chase!

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