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The Hardacres - Channel 5 Tonight

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naomi24 | 19:00 Tue 08th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
22 Answers

I read the books years ago and enjoyed them.  Whether the series is any good remains to be seen, but for anyone who likes a family saga it might fit the bill.  



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Is this the programme trailed with the 'plain speaking' Yorkshirewoman?

I'm recording it

It was on last night 

Jury's out on this at the moment, see what the next one is like. But liked how she knee'd Mr Shaw where it hurts.

Watched Ep. 1 last night...quite enjoyed it. You may need subtitles because the dialogue wasn't that clear particularly in the first half.

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I'm recording it.  I've not watched any yet.

Carol Midgely in The Times described the series as "untaxing, escapist fare".

Anita Singh in The Daily Telegraph described it as "an old-fashioned taste of how TV used to be”.




I'll maybe look in and see for myself then.

Last "saga" I watched or will ever watch was The Forsyte Saga!

Only watched first episode and will keep with it but much more light hearted than I expected. Not gritty and pleasantly enjoyable but nothing spectacular. It reminds me very much of the style of the Ch 5 All Creatures Great & Small remake style - especially as the lead female, alhough a different actress, seems like the double of the woman who plays Mrs Hall in looks, manner and accent.

Yes I thought the character was a ringer for Mrs Hall.  I even looked her up to make sure it wasn't.   It was quite easy watching but it should have taken them years to get so rich!!!

I watched the first episode and enjoyed it, it was easy viewing that the family can watch

The Forsyte Saga - crikey that takes me back a lot of years.

I remember the rape they introduced to spice it up - my word, that caused a great fuss which of course upped the viewing figures (I can't remember whether Mary Whitehouse was concerned or not, it must have been during her crusader years)

Quite easy viewing.  It did strike a bit of a chord with me since there are some striking similarities with one branch of my own family.

Barmaid: have you told them ?

No, Canary.  Seances are not really my thing.

ooops, sorry.

Have just found this on catch up, will watch it later this afternoon now I've done everything I needed to do today...and it's raining. Again 😏

I thought that about both Mrs H's accents being so similar, but as both programs are made by the  same company they  probably  had the  same dialect coach.

Kustard, they became rich overnight when gold was discovered in one of the mines they had bought shares in.

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