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Anyone Remember When There Were Only 3...

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sandyRoe | 21:08 Sat 12th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
31 Answers

... television channels and the highlights of the viewing week included, The Rockford Files, Petrocelli, and Cannon?

A golden age of television.



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This is interesting. Why would having only 2 channels be the golden age of television.?  With my smart TV I can watch anything I want when I want, access the news I want to watch, the programming I want without having to wait a week for the next episode. THIS is the golden age 😃
22:41 Sat 12th Oct 2024

Two black and white channels. The Army Game, Wagon Train. Sunday night at the London Palladium with Dave King. Torchy the battery boy.

pubs would have it switched on with only the test card being transmitted. - oh, the  medium and not the message ( Marshall McLuhan)

and now we have AB quipsters quipping " you mean Marshall Muck-foo-an !" that is progress for you 

Tarchy as an intellect

Torchy Torchy the battery boy - hes a walking talking toy!

we have a few them here

and Fireball XL5 - I was fascinated by Zooly the lazy lazoon !

( zooly half wakes and screeches sleepily)

ITV started 1955. Not 1959.

Zoony, Peter. Remain in free float.

ITV started 1955. Not 1959.

must have been - TWW Television wales and the west !

1955 I was fwee -= we were visiting and the lady of the house said - ITV starts - and I am sure it was '59

erm 1958 then

yup I will keep floating

zoony - hi Doug

el - luh sounds exist in two forms in English - linguo dental is the easy one, - luh-luh luh luh etc

but - if /l/ occurs in the middle of a word it may be much more velar....( these are allophones to the anglos)  and can be confused with an 'n'

I hadnt realised until this very moment I started the confusion in my self as early as the late fifties

even more unclearly expressed here

 For instance: English has only one /l/ phoneme, but it has >> two variants - the "dark" velarized [l-with-a-bar-through-it] >> where the back of the tongue is raised toward the soft palate >> (which English speakers produce automatically after vowels), >> and the "clear" non-velarized [l], where the back of the ...


oh and the oirish only have one ( linguo dental) which gives their speech that lilt

foo a bit cerebral for midnight

Khandro @ 22.19; "Television!! You were lucky. Our dad used to give us a shell which we used to hold to our ears and we coud listen to the sea."

A shell, Khandro, a shell?!! You were lucky. Our dad had us stand by the sea and imagine we had a shell to our ears!

I can remember when there were none.  Not here, of course. Legend has it that when war was declared the BBC closed down in the middle of a Mickey Mouse cartoon and when it began again they showed the end of the cartoon.

wasn't Circus Boy Mickey Dolenz (under another name) later of the Monkees? He's still "later", whereas the other three are just "the late".

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