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Did The Chaser ‘Throw’ A Couple Of Questions Today?

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naomi24 | 18:30 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
40 Answers

I can't believe he didn't know Gerald du Maurier or Decolletage.  I think he was being kind.



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Who was the Chaser? I've seen Shaun get some silly answers wrong and Mark a mathematical one that I thought he should have known. 

You mean that could have been a TWAU? I thought about it but I thought it wasn't clear cut enough and I'd get the usual suspects pretending to be thick so I thought I'd wait for a better one.

Poor girl. She went to pieces.

I don't know Gerald du Maurier, never heard of him.

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It wasn't a TWAU - it was the chaser - Shaun.  I simply cannot believe he didn't know the answers to those questions.  Multiple choice too.

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That was in the final chase though when speed is all, TTT, so just a mistake.  This was multiple choice.

ok here's a MC one:

I do use chaser TWAUs too.

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TTT, this isn't about what you do.  I would like to know if anyone else thought the chaser got those answers wrong on purpose.  That girl had only £1000 I think - so no threat to him whatsoever. 

What were the questions?

It's all about keeping the viewer engaged, they have to show their human side every now and again or it's just David v Goliath without the sling.

If it's in the script, then they go with it.

I don't think they'd get one wrong on purpose, they are too proud of their stats.

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He was facing scant opposition.  Two players out, the third with £5000 and the fourth with £1000.  I think he was confident he was safe.

🥱 maybe, just, maybe the show is staged?

To ensure lots of people watch?

Hmm, how awful  of me to suggest such a wicked thought😒

Of course they lose on purpose occasionally, if they didn't, who would bother watching?

If the underdog didn't win sometimes it would be a very boring show to watch!

who woke skippy up! Shouldn't you be lobbing something at the king me old china?

I've said before that the chasers occasionally give suspiciously wrong answers.  Apart from that, Shaun Wallace is almost unwatchable in the final chase, really poor.  He might know about football and the dates of English kings, but evidently thinks Matisse is a Belgian surrealist (one of his suspicious wrong answers). 

It's all a bit conspiracy-esque I. These game shows are heavily scrutinised because of past "fixings". The chasers are fierce defenders of their stats. There is no way they'd deliberately throw a question. 

As I've also said before, the Chasers' 'stats' are meaningless - they get paid their fee (which is probably several thousand pounds per show, as Brad's will be) no matter what.   And anyway, who knows what these 'stats' are?

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