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T W A U ... The's Gem.....1St Question!

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ToraToraTora | 18:01 Thu 24th Oct 2024 | Film, Media & TV
24 Answers

Q: In 1827 Georg IV commissioned a painting of what long necked mammal?

A: Peacock!




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Is it Naomi Campbell? 

I just knew you would comment on this TTT. Choked on my tea with his answer.

Peacocks have got long necks!

...and ostriches.

But they're not mammals Tilly

Question Author

18:10/11 yeah but how long have they been mammals?

Oh well.

Naomi Campbell?

Wait, she's a bird with a long neck.

I read it as 'animal'.

New reading glasses. 😂

They went home with £1,500 each though,not bad for a day out.

Question Author

Yep TBF they showed how to do it, small prize but they got it.

He was a bit thick

That's nothing compared to the answer I once shouted out at the tv when watching the chase.

The question was something like, what nickname was given to unmarried women that worked in the cotton mills?

Too late  -   I'd already shouted out 'cloth-ears'.

It should have been spinsters. . . .

Why cloth ears, The Winner?

in todays world, its considered derogatory, but in my childhood, it was a well-known phrase for someone working in the cotton mills (including members of our family).

I know what cloth ears means, TW. I just don't understand why you blurted that out as an answer.

because I missed the 'unmarried' bit, and just heard "nickname for women working in cotton mills". This seems to happen to the people nervous on tv.

they miss parts of the question, which leads to silly answers, (so TTT can have a go at them on here).  Yes, I walk amongst you! and thats why I won't ever be tempted to go on it for real.

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