well, a plane crashed and there were 48 survivors. each one had done something bad in there lives and you find this out because each episode has a flashback of each character. during the flight the tail end of the plane is ripped off and everyone thinks they are all dead. among the survivors is a heavly pregnant lady called claire. her and another survivor, charlie, are taken by a man called ethan who pretended to be a survivor. charlie is found hung but jack, a doctor, brings him back to life. claire is finally found but with no memory of where she was what happened and how got to the island. 2 other survivors find a hatch in the ground but they can't open it. one of them is boone who later dies after falling from a plane purched in a tree. the hatch is finally opened as a season finally but u don'tt see inside. also a raft is built and sent out but when they find another boat insted of being rescude they take a boy who is on the raft and then blow it up.there is a security system on the island that took and ate the pilot. ***** anothrr survivor finds a french woman who tells him there are others on the island. claire has her baby boy who is healthy and thgat is it mostly. except for peole can hear whispering voices in the forest