yes that was me!! I thought theyd proved him innocent but apparently not, every time I read a new HP book i end up reading all the others first cos I forget all the details really easily! its very tedious!
well he was innocent it was peter pettigrew who blew up all those people, so when sirius escaped from azkaban and found pettirgrew( scabbers) he thought he would be a free man again but pettigrew got away in all the cofusion when lupin turned into a werewolf, so sirius had to escape on buckbeak or he would have his soul sucked out by the dementors. why did this question dissapear anyway?
sorry no my mistake, he told voldermort the wereabouts of harry's parents who then killed them and tried ti kill harry too, then he blew up all them muggles.
dont know why it disappeared, my accounts been weird lately, not letting post answers and questions sometimes dunno if its anything to do with that! thanks for the answers anyway!