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X Men 2 (spoiler in question)

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Stav | 23:55 Wed 07th May 2003 | Film, Media & TV
2 Answers
I shall put the question as the second part so no one acidentally reads it that doesnt want to! Hopefully that is enough rambling. Now rof the question: If William Stryker is wanting to kill all of the Mutants on the planet (which would include his own son), why does he do loads of stuff creating mutants in the first place (ie Wolverine, Deathstrike and Jason)? Also, wouldnt his assistant 'Deathstrike' be a bit peeved she is going to die, and try and stop him?


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Stryker didn't 'create' those mutants. He modified existing mutants for his own means. Lady Deathstrike & Jason didn't fight him because he used that liquid stuff on the back of their necks to pacify them & control their behaviour. Stryker essentially carried out cruel experiments on mutants because he doesn't regard them as humans.
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Thank you kindly. I forgot about the liquid stuff. I wondered why she wouldnt do anything to him, yet I didnt think about it in the film. Ta muchly Mr Whiskey

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X Men 2 (spoiler in question)

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