a quick google search and you will see recent quotes from his manager
the tape is still in the hands of the police
his manager feels it should be destroyed despite the family expressing their wish for it to be seen
http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/i rwin%20death%20tape%20should%20be%20destroyed% 20manager%20urges_1007429
i take the point that if the mans last wish was that he wanted it to be released - so be it
but i personally believe that there is a mawkish quality to this type of request
i apologise for calling answers2424 an idiot -twice
maybe he does have a legitimate interest
but if as he staes the tape is widely available elsewhere-why cant he locate it
why hasnt it been reported anywhere on news or net that it has been shown anywhere in the world-or in fact how it has been shown if it is still in the hands of the police