What's going on with C4?
Does anyone else think its time for C4 to get a new format for shows during the 8pm-9pm slot... now i do love a bit of Phil Spencer but if its not Location, Location, Location, Grand Designs, Property Ladder its the lifestyle ones - How Clean is Your House, You are What you Eat, 10 Years Yonger, Supernanny etc etc - they are the very same every week and today i see they are advertising the new series of Wife Swap - hmmm, let me guess... 2 families who have nothing in common, swap wives, they clash but go home appreciating what they have more... I saw You are What you Eat last night, do you know what happened? Well, for a change a fat women stopped eating cake and lost some weight whilst a scrawny woman told her that coffee and cake was not healthy...Come on Channel 4, sort it out!