Jade for me. She's not saying the worst things, but the other 2 look up to her, and so say things about Shilpa in order to meet her approval
I think that a lot of people imagine that you need to believe in white racial supremecy, and believe other cultures and creeds to be inferior in order to be racist, and it's just not true. There's a lot of institutional, low level racism from the kind of people who say "I'm not racist, but....". Shilpa has been singled out because she's different, and she's been nothing but polite and respectful to them. Can you prove that they're racist? It's a tricky one. I think most of the comments are born from a mind numbing spiteful ignorance, and it makes me shudder to think that a substantial number of the population could be like that.
Contorversially, I do think that in the long run, channel 4 are right to show this. I think it's already teaching a lot of people about what is and what isn't acceptable, and whilst Shilpa still has friends in the house, I don't think that the stress she's under is offensively intolerable.