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Why Acme?

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beenee | 20:09 Sun 15th Feb 2004 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
Why do they use the brandname Acme in cartoons and some movies? I know its because a real brandname is probably not available to use, but why Acme? The Sixth Sense used it (a supermarket called Acme) and that's a serious movie.


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Acme is a genuine brand name of many companies although it is now something of a joke. Scroll half-way down this page to see why:
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Most references to Acme nowadays are probably deliberate tributes to the Warner Brothers cartoons.
Doesn't Acme also mean pinnacle,the peak,the top?Therefore a company called Acme can't be beat.
last week, someone told me that acme originally stood for 'A Company that Makes Everything', so it was a generic company name used in cartoons, movies, etc.
I agree with secretsquiz! My husband says so!

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