bagpuss in The AnswerBank: Film, Media & TV
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flyash | 20:32 Sun 28th Oct 2007 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
does bagpuss have a theme tune ?
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It does have a tune but it is mostly a man talking at the start and the end.
Here we go Fly i used to love watching bagpuss
im pretty sure my local tesco,s was selling it for �3.
Yes it does. When recording music for the series, Oliver Postgate liked one of the tracks ( a song about a Porcupine ) and asked for a music only version to feature as the theme ( mostly at the end of the show ).


http://www.bagpussshop.co.uk/commerce/details. asp?prodid=22&cat=12&path=2,12
yeah, it goes...
dum de dum
dum de dum
dum de dum de dum de dum
da dum da dum de dum

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