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dont tell the bride

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gina32 | 11:01 Sat 10th Nov 2007 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers
did anyone else watch this programme? i did and i thought what a selfish ungrateful bitch she was. didnt hear them say, but did she work or not?


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I watched that - I thought exactly the same as you (which I also said out loud while watching it I was so disgusted with her).
I didn't see the beginning I only saw the last half hour and I thought she was just the most selfish bitch.
She said that she hated the off the shoulder dress that the guy picked cause it showed off her fat shoulders, but then chose and liked the off the shoulder dress that the shop owner offered.
Then said she knew why he had picked such horrible plain dresses for the bridesmaids cause he would want all the attention to be on her! What a cow!
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i know thats what i couldnt get over as well, i was shouting at the tv at her, i know he was a nurse but they didnt mention what she did and i dont think she was working because she took 4 weeks off to go and live 150 miles away. i dont think anyone would of blamed him if he had walked away and left her, after all they had 14 grand given them so didnt have to spend any of their own money, i dont think the marriage will last long
Is very quick of people to make rash judgements on the basis of very selective editing of a reality tv show. I know the bride very well, she works very hard as a global account manager and works from home hence the ability to travel 150 miles and still carry on working - she is the breadwinner in the relationship........
I can safely say that she is not a selfish ungrateful bitch that everyone appears to think she is.
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i agree with you, reality shows only show the bits that are going to bring in the audiences, they would be boring otherwise, but by the same token, things like have been said in the other answer, about the dresses and they made her look better, and the dress her partner had chosen was horrible, they signed a legal document for her to accept what he chose, were given 12 grand for the wedding on this agreement, they were very lucky to have this in the first place, if she didnt agree with what he chose she shouldnt have agreed to going through with the programme, so you think she isnt a selfish ungrateful bitch, your opinion, as is ours the opposite
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