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Groan, Groan, Groan

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Janetex | 15:45 Mon 06th Sep 2004 | Site Suggestions
3 Answers
Just take it back. Reclaim the site. Stop groaning and just ask lots more questions that we're all interested in.


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Exactly! I guess it's more fun to whine and b!tch and moan rather than do something useful.
well i dont know where youve been the last few weeks??but i think were all entitled to moan and groan about are site being devastated by these morons.if we inundate these sections with (lots more questions)they would become meaningless??and we would be as stupid as the marlboro idiots.with are actions we made the editor take action ??i call that USEFULL???
my body,[email protected] is that your idea of asking more questions that we are all interested in?

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Groan, Groan, Groan

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