I'm not yet fluent in your gibberish Leg, can you run that by me again?
I was merely commenting on what a lucky escape you've had, not signing up for a FB account, that's all!!
Talk about oversensitive!
Its simple helli Every customer of sky has to tell them that they dont agree to them passing on their details.
If yoiu do not not agreee then you rae technically agreeing.
The bbc and sky tv are selling folks information to advertisers.
If you want to opt out later you need to call a premium rate number.
Why is this news to you, Legend? Most Companies ell your information. Where do you think all the junk mailers get your address from? The address fairy?
Oh I can't be arsed with this, didn't realise it was a hugely serious debate and I have to either agree or disagree!
Lighten up Legend and cool your boots eh?
They do ask you, you just have to read the small print very carefully. They're not allowed to NOT ask you, but there's nothing to say they can't put it in tiny writing somewhere that they know that 99% of their subscribers don't read - the terms and conditions.
Helli im discussing a tv programme and i waas surprised how much of your information is shared , without your agreement or knowledge.
And no dak i wasnt thinking of the address fairy , but i was under a misconception that data protection might come in .
Anyways like i say i wasnt aware that by clicking on a game and accepting it on facebook or other such sites that youre giving them access to your address book and any information stored on your profile.
Dak mif you were watching the `programme youd see that sky dont ask you .they are told not to ask you.
but tell you that by continuing the call it will be assumed you agree.
they dont give you the option to disagree.
Also in small print it was discovered the gobbledy gook actually said " if you do not , notagree , then you will be presumed to agree as you didnt opt out "
I dont think many of us are naive enough to accept that a free site, such as Face Book, won't somehow make money, if that money is generated by flogging my meagre details to an advertising agent, i'm not overly upset or bothered by it, I fail to see why I or anyone else should be.