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taking wine to friends' houses

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joggerjayne | 12:35 Sun 21st Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
41 Answers
More of us will be going to afternoon drinks parties today than on any other day in the year.

So let's try this old favourite ...

... what are you going to take?

For example ...

1. Take the cheapest bottle you have in the house, because you know it won't get opened?

2. Take a bottle that you have bought specially, because you think the hosts will like it?

3. Take the bottle that someone dumped at your house, this time last year?

4. Phone them in advance and ask what they would like you to bring?

5. Assume that they have provided all that is needed for the party itself, and take something that they can enjoy when everyone has gone home, like a DVD and a box of chocolates?

6. Take flowers?

7. Take nothing?


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Fair enough.
Bring enough for myself.............3 bottles, blossom hill!!!!
Joking.........I can only drink 2 :-)
Question Author
Ummmm ... I hope you have a couple of peanuts or a breadstick to absorb all that alcohol ...

More of us will be going to afternoon drinks parties today than on any other day in the year.

Ehmmm whered you get that crazy notion jayne?

Really you women can be a bit scatterbrained and off the walll whacky.

And did i forget to say a bit stoopit too?

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Knobby like any bint will be goin to friends hgouse wi wine

theyre all out shoppin ffs

jayne ya numpty

you are soooooooooooo wrong

I do eat :-)
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I usually make things to take. Last year I made 2 massive baked cheesecakes, chocolate brownies and chocolate fondants. This year I'm doing tiny Xmas puds a la Nigella Lawson and choc brownies. Cheesecakes are hard work.
How Knob??????????????????
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Legend ...

It's the last Sunday afternoon before Christmas. That's when these things take place.
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tiggy, fab idea ... and shows them that you made an effort on their behalf x
I actully did it for last years New Years Eve party. This time I'm taking them in to work on Xmas Eve. I don't really got to drinks parties but any excuse to make CAKE! Lol
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This is going to sound a bit pathetic, but I think the last time I made a cake was in Cookery lessons at school.
Jayne any professional shopping type woman would know this is the last weekend before xmas

the ddrinks can wait

thees shopping and bargains galore to be had

you really are losing the plot mrs

get out shopping

Jayne cooks like asn astronaut

6 minutes on full power


yep nicely nuked food freshly zapppped by jayne

I love cooking JJ. If I didn't do what I do now I'd have loved to have been a chef.

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taking wine to friends' houses

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